
All latest updates regarding ContentMatch mobile app, forum , and discord server.

  • Exciting Progress: ContentMatch V2 Launch Update

    Hellloooooo everyone! I am in a very good mood. And the whole community and everyone who believes in our mission should be too! Today brings us closer to launch. I’ve been working non-stop. So here’s a little backstory. When turning a community into a full-on company/app, there are a lot of small, very boring but…

  • I’ve been meaning to write this update for a long time, but felt kind of overwhelmed with everything. You might be wondering what happened to both the bot and the app. I’ve been saying it’ll be done by April, then May, then summer, but still nothing as of this blog post. Since the start, ContentMatch…

  • As we prepare for an exciting launch of our bot and app, I need to reconfigure much of our digital infrastructure. Fortunately, I’ve been working on this for the past 4-5 months, and we have only three main areas left to upgrade: 1. The Discord Server Our Discord server was built three years ago, and…

  • Good news and bad news like always . The android version is done and is submitted to play store currently waiting for approval. Our “web version “ is done . Our developers are making sure no bugs are left The Apple app is taking longer then expected , we found a couple of bugs that…

  • Everything was going great with app, then everything went left . The app was finished, but the amount of bugs it had, Was unacceptable , I had a serious! talk with my developer(s) and they got the message . The app in its current state is not ready for production . So what does that…