Why The App & Bot Is Still Not Done

I’ve been meaning to write this update for a long time, but felt kind of overwhelmed with everything. You might be wondering what happened to both the bot and the app. I’ve been saying it’ll be done by April, then May, then summer, but still nothing as of this blog post.

Since the start, ContentMatch has been plagued with issues. The problem I was trying to solve was creators getting more views and engagement. While building and exploring different options, I decided to create a community, which is how our Discord Server started. As it grew, more problems began to pop up. After a couple months, it became clear that I had to address issues like scalability and automation. Another huge challenge was transforming this Discord community into a fully LEGAL and functioning business. Despite all this, plus the ongoing development, I kept pushing forward.

Now it’s 2024, and I’ve finally managed to get a lot of the legal and “enterprise” business requirements sorted out. The main thing left was developing the App & Our Bot (we offer 2 unique products). I realized I couldn’t possibly code the entire bot and app by myself, so I worked with multiple Discord developers. While our vision didn’t always connect, each version got closer to what we needed. Our last Discord developer was very close to creating the product I’ve been envisioning, but due to life events, he had to step away. This happened in July-August, which was a real bummer because I was hoping to use the Discord Bot as a buffer until the app was ready, giving the community something to help grow their channels.

The App has been a whole other mess. After designing the initial version with a talented front-end designer, I explained the requirements to the agency I partnered with. Long story short, they missed every deadline. I later found out they were dealing with internal issues. I gave them multiple chances, knowing the challenges of development, but the lack of communication about their struggles was a problem. The app ended up being really LAGGY, buggy, missing features, and crash-prone. There was no way I could release it in that state.

So here we are now. App and bot not done. But this isn’t the end – just another bump on our way to glory. Since summer, I’ve been in contact with a backup Discord bot developer to pick up where our last dev left off. As for the App, some developers and I are looking into converting it into a web app, so users can enjoy it as a website, similar to our original concept.

Even though the past 6 months might seem like a failure, I assure you that while the developers were busy, I was making sure all our systems, marketing, and integrations were set up correctly. Now we just need to complete the Discord server. After that, we wait for the bot and app to FINALLY LAUNCH us out of “OPEN BETA”.

This journey has had its challenges, but we’re still moving forward. Thanks for sticking with us through it all!

-ContentMatch Owner